S1 Mystery Packs
Mystery Pack is a set containing various items that can improve your gaming experience. Inside each set you can find characters, boards, pets, various upgrades, passes to tournaments and other surprises. Mystery Packs are divided into 3 types:
Legendary Mystery Pack
The rarest set. Inside you are guaranteed to find:
3 unique characters
2 dragon eggs
7 lottery tickets (act as permission to spin the wheel of fortune, where you can additionally win valuable prizes)
5 small booster packs (you can find various improvements inside them)
3 large booster packs
Season 1 board “Searching for the dragon stone”
Season 2 board “Solving the mystery of the missing ships”
Early access to Nintendo Switch version
3 passes to the tournament
Rare Mystery Pack
A set of medium rarity, inside of which you are guaranteed to find:
2 unique characters
Dragon egg
3 lottery tickets
2 small booster packs
Big booster pack
Season 1 board “Searching for the dragon stone”
2 passes to the tournament
Common Mystery Pack
Basic set, and inside it:
Unique character
Lottery ticket
Small booster pack
Season 1 board “Searching for the dragon stone”
Tournament pass
Last updated