NEAR Wallet

To create a wallet in NEAR Wallet, go to https://wallet.near.org/ and then click on Create Account:

After that, click "Get Started" and "Secure my account":

Next, a seed (recovery) phrase will be generated, which you need to save in a safe place, click Continue, and then pass verification by entering one of the words contained in the phrase. After that click "Verify & Continue":

Ready! Congratulations, you now have a Near wallet that you can use to log into game.pixudi.com.


To create a NEAR wallet in MyNearWallet, first go to https://app.mynearwallet.com/, then click "Create Account":

You will then be asked to create a password. Do this, click on the checkboxes, and then on the Next button:

Next, everything will be exactly the same as in NEAR Wallet. You will generate and save a seed (recovery) phrase, pass verification and be taken to your account page:

Ready! Congratulations, you now have a Near wallet that you can use to log into game.pixudi.com.

Meteor Wallet

To create a wallet in NEAR through Meteor Wallet, follow the link: https://wallet.meteorwallet.app/add_wallet/create_new. As soon as you do this, you will immediately be asked to choose a name for your account:

Once the selection is made and the name is available, click Create wallet. Immediately after this you will be taken to your account page:

Ready! Congratulations, you now have a Near wallet that you can use to log into game.pixudi.com.

Here Wallet

To create a NEAR wallet through Here Wallet, go to https://www.herewallet.app/, then click "Download HERE" in the top right corner:

You will be redirected to play.google.com. Click "Download".

Once the Here Wallet app is installed, launch it and click "Create new account":

Then you will be shown a seed (recovery) phrase. Save it, then click Continue, enter the desired username, and if it passes verification, click Create:

Done, you now have an account with NEAR!

You can use it to log in to game.pixudi.com. Have a good game!

Last updated